Administrative Core
PI: Richard J. Davidson
The Administrative Core serves all Center projects. The core coordinates and facilitates the work of each project and core through monthly meetings, PI administrative meetings and meetings with individual PIs. In addition, the Core coordinates public outreach and dissemination activities of the Center via this website. The Administrative Core also coordinates training activities within the Center and interfaces with four existing T32's from which trainees are drawn to work on Center-related research. The Administrative Core also plans and implements the undergraduate Summer Research Experience. The Administrative Core coordinates meetings of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center. Finally the Administrative Core provides advice and support to PIs of the Center for all administrative issues including budgeting, personnel and IRB issues. The most important method used by the Administrative Core to accomplish these aims is excellent and frequent communication with all Center PIs and staff, and with University offices and extramural entities of relevance to the Center. We have outstanding staff to insure that these goals are effectively accomplished.