Photo credit: Jeff Miller/UW-Madison
The following lists of Center publications include over 85 current articles, abstracts, and posters; and over 130 older publications.
- 2013 Publications
- 2014 Publications
- 2015 Publications
- 2016 Publications
- 2017 Publications
- 2018 Publications
- Abstracts & Posters
- Older Publications
Brooker, R.J., Buss, K.A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Aksan, N., Davidson, R.J., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2013). The Development of Stranger Fear in Infancy and Toddlerhood: Normative development, individual differences, antecedents, and outcomes. Developmental Science, 16(6), 864-878. doi: 10.1111/desc.12058. PMCID: PMC4129944.
Emborg, M.E., Liu, Y., Xi, J., Zhang, X., Yin, Y., Lu, J., Joers, V., Swanson, C., Holden, J.E., & Zhang, S.C. (2013). Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Neural Cells Survive and Mature in the Nonhuman Primate Brain. Cell Reports, 3(3):646-650. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.02.016. PMCID: PMC3633566.
Gagne, J.R., Miller, M.M., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2013). Early-But Modest-Bender Differences in Focal Aspects of Childhood Temperament. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(2), 95-100. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2013.02.006. PMCID: PMC4064677.
Herringa, R.J., Birn, R.M., Ruttle, P.L., Burghy, C.A., Stodola, D.E., Davidson, R.J., & Essex, M.J. (2013). Childhood Maltreatment is Associated with Altered Fear Circuitry and Increased Internalizing Symptoms by Late Adolescence. PNAS, 110(47):19119-19124. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1310766110. PMCID: PMC3839755.
Hosseinbor, A.P., Chung, M.K., Schaefer, S.M., van Reekum, C.M., Peschke-Schmitz, L., Sutterer, M., Alexander, A.L., & Davidson, R.J. (2013). 4D Hyperspherical Harmonic (HyperSPHARM) Representation of Multiple Disconnected Brain Subcortical Structures. MICCAI, 16(0 1), 598-605. PMCID: PMC4033314.
Hosseinbor, A.P., Chung, M.K., Wu, Y.C., Alexander, A.L., & Bendlin, B.B. (2013). A 4D Hyperspherical Interpretation of Q-Space. MICCAI, 16(0 3), 501-509. PMCID: PMC4017252.
Liu, Y., Liu, H., Sauvey, C., Yao, L., Zarnowska, E.D., & Zhang, S.C. (2013). Directed Differentiation of Forebrain GABA Interneurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Nature protocols, 8(9), 1670-1079. Doi: 10.1038/nprot.2013.106. PubMed PMCID: PMC4121169.
Lu, J., Liu, H., Huang, C.T., Chen, H., Du, Z., Liu, Y., Sherafat, M.A., & Zhang, S.C. (2013). Generation of Integration-Free and Region-Specific Neural Progenitors from Primate Fibroblasts. Cell Reports, 3(5):1580-1591. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.04.004. PMCID: PMC3786191.
Moore, M.N., Salk, R.H., Van Hulle, C.A., Abramson, L.Y., Hyde, J.S., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2013). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Rumination, Distraction, and Depressed Mood in Adolescence. Clinical Psychological Science, 1(3), 316-322. doi: 10.1177/2167702612472884. PMCID: PMC3742117.
Birn, R.M., Shackman, A.J., Oler, J.A., Williams, L.E., McFarlin, D.R., Rogers, G.M., Shelton, S.E., Alexander, A.L., Pine, D.S., Slattery, M.J., Davidson, R.J., Fox, A.S., & Kalin, N.H. (2014). Evolutionarily Conserved Prefrontal-Amygdalar Dysfunction in Early-Life Anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(8), 915-22. doi: 10.1038/mp.2014.46 PMCID: PMC4111803.
Birn, R.M., Cornejo, M.D., Molloy, E.K., Patriat, R., Meier, T.B., Kirk, G.R., Nair, V.A., Meyerand, M.E., & Prabhakaran, V. (2014). The Influence of Physiological Noise Correction on Test-Retest Reliability of Resting-State Functional Connectivity. Brain Connectivity, 4(7), 511-22. doi: 10.1089/brain.2014.0284. PMCID: PMC4146390.
Brooker, R.J., Buss, K.A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Aksan, N., Davidson, R.J., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2014). Profiles of Observed Infant Anger Predict Preschool Behavior Problems: Moderation by life stress. Developmental Psychology, 50(10), 2343-2352. doi: 10.1037/a0037693. PMCID: PMC4172515.
Chen, H., Qian, K., Du, Z., Cao, J., Petersen, A., Liu, H., Blackbourn, L.W. IV, Huang, C.L., Errigo, A., Yin, Y., Lu, J., Ayala, M., & Zhang, S.C. (2014). Modeling ALS with iPSCs Reveals that Mutant SOD1 Misregulates Neurofilament Balance in Motor Neurons. Cell Stem Cell, 14(6), 796-809. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2014.02.004. PMCID: PMC4230530.
Fox, A.S., & Kalin, N.H. (2014). A Translational Neuroscience Approach to Understanding the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder and its Pathophysiology. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(11), 116273. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.14040449. PMCID: PMC4342310.
Goldsmith, H.H. (2014). Extending Developmental Perspectives on Personality-Psychopathology Interplay. European Journal of Personality, 28(4), 389-390. doi: 10.1002/per.1971. PMCID: Exempt.
Heller, A.S., Lapate, R.C., Mayer, K.E., & Davidson, R.J. (2014). The Face of Negative Affect: Trial-by-trial corrugator responses to negative pictures are positively associated with amygdala and negatively associated with ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(9), 2102-1210. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00622. PMCID: PMC4117711.
Hoy, A.R., Koay, C.G., Kecskemeti, S.R., & Alexander, A.L. (2014). Optimization of a Free Water Elimination Two-Compartment Model for Diffusion Tensor Imaging. NeuroImage, 103, 323-333. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.09.053. PMCID: PMC4312191.
Lapate, R.C., Rokers, B., Li, T., & Davidson, R.J. (2014). Nonconscious Emotional Activation Colors First Impressions: A regulatory role for conscious awareness. Psychological Science, 25(2), 349-57. doi:10.1177/0956797613503175. PMCID: PMC4070508.
Lu, J., Bradley, R.A., & Zhang, S.C. (2014). Turning Reactive Glia into Functional Neurons in the Brain. Cell Stem Cell, 14(2), 133-4. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2014.01.010. PMCID: PMC4018986.
Qian, K., Huang, C.T., Chen, H., Blackbourn, L.W. IV, Chen, Y., Cao, J., Yao, L., Sauvey, C., Du, Z., & Zhang, S.C. (2014). A Simple and Efficient System for Regulating Gene Expression in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Derivatives. Stem cells, 32(5), 1230-1238. doi: 10.1002/stem.1653. PMCID: PMC4121394.
Roseboom, P.H., Nanda, S.A., Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Shackman, A.J., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2014). Neuropeptide Y Receptor Gene Expression in the Primate Amygdala Predicts Anxious Temperament and Brain Metabolism. Biological Psychiatry, 76(11), 850-7. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.11.012. PMCID: PMC4022724.
Vendlinski, M.K., Javaras, K.N., Van Hulle, C.A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Maier, R., Davidson, R.J., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2014). Relative Influence of Genetics and Shared Environment on Child Mental Health Symptoms Depends on Comorbidity. PloS One, 9(7), e103080. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103080. PMCID: PMC4117501.
Zakszewski, E., Adluru, N., Tromp do, .P.M., Kalin, N., Alexander, A.L. (2014). A Diffusion-Tensor-Based White Matter Atlas for Rhesus Macaques. PloS One, 9(9), e107398. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107398. PMCID: PMC4159318.
Caldwell, J.Z., Armstrong, J.M., Hanson, J.L., Sutterer, M.J., Stodola, D.E., Koenigs, M., Kalin, N.H., Essex, M.J., Davidson, R.J. (2015). Preschool Externalizing Behavior Predicts Gender-Specific Variation in Adolescent Neural Structure. PLoS One, 10(2), e0117453. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117453. PMCID: PMC4319931.
Chen, Y., Cao, J., Xiong, M., Petersen, A.J., Dong, Y., Tao, Y., Huang, C.T., Du, Z., & Zhang, S.C. (2015). Engineering Human Stem Cell Lines with Inducible Gene Knockout using CRISPR/Cas9. Cell Stem Cell, 17(2), 23344. Doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2015.06.001. PMCID: PMC4530040.
Clifford, S., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2015). The Unique and Shared Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Fear, Anger, and Sadness in Childhood. Child Development, 86(5), 1538-1556. Doi: 10.1111/cdev.12394. PMCID: PMC4567924.
Davidson, R. J. (2015). Comment: Affective chronometry has come of age. Emotion Review, 7(4), 368-370. Doi: 10.1177/154073915590844. PMCID: Exempt.
Dyson, M.W., Olino, T.M., Durbin, C.E., Goldsmith, H.H., Bufferd, S.J., Miller, A.R., Klein, D.N. (2015). The Structural and Rankorder Stability of Temperament in Young Children Based on a Laboratory-Observational Measure. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 1388-401. Doi: 10.1037/pas0000104. PMCID: PMC4615267.
Eggum-Wilkens, N.D., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Aksan, N., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2015). Self-Conscious Shyness: Growth During Toddlerhood, Strong Role of Genetics, and No Prediction from Fearful Shyness. Infancy, 20(2), 160-188. Doi: 10.111/infa.12070. PMCID: PMC4322942.
Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Shackman, A.J., Shelton, S.E., Raveendran, M., McKay, D.R., Converse, A.K., Alexander, A., Davidson, R.J., Blangero, J., Rogers, J., & Kalin, N.H. (2015). Intergenerational Neural Mediators of Early-Life Anxious Temperament. PNAS, 112(29), 9118-9122. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1508593112. PMCID: PMC4517228.
Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Tromp do, P.M., Fudge, J.L., & Kalin, N.H. (2015). Extending the Amygdala in Theories of Threat Processing. Trends in Neurosciences, 38(5), 319-329. Doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2015.03.002. PMCID: PMC4417372.
Goldsmith, H. H. (2015). The functional significance of temperament. In M. A. Gernsbacher & J. R. Pomerantz (Eds.). Psychology and the Real World (2nd ed.) (chpt. 12) New York, NY: Worth.
Hanson, J.L., Nacewicz, B.M., Sutterer, M.J., Cayo, A.A., Schaefer, S.M., Rudolph, K.D., Shirtcliff, E.A., Pollak, S.D., & Davidson, R.J. (2015). Behavioral Problems after Early Life Stress: Contributions of the hippocampus and amygdala. Biological Psychiatry, 77(4), 314-323. Doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.04.020. PMCID: PMC4241384.
Heller, A.S., Fox, A.S., Wing, E.K., McQuisition, K.M., Vack, N.J., & Davidson, R.J. (2015). The Neurodynamics of Affect in the Laboratory Predicts Persistence of Real-World Emotional Responses. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(29), 10503-10509. Doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.0569-15.2015. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4510290.
Hosseinbor, A.P., Chung, M.K., Koay, C.G., Schaefer, S.M., van Reekum, C.M., Schmitz, L.P., Sutterer, M., Alexander, A.L., & Davidson, R.J. (2015). 4D Hyperspherical Harmonic (HyperSPHARM) Representation of Surface Anatomy: A holistic treatment of multiple disconnected anatomical structures. Medical Image Analysis, 22(1), 89101. Doi: 10.1016/j.media.2015.02.004. PMCID: PMC4405486.
Hoy, A.R., Kecskemeti, S.R., & Alexander, A.L. (2015). Free Water Elimination Diffusion Tractography: A comparison with conventional and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions. JMRI, 42(6), 1572-1581. Doi: 10.1002/jmri.24925. PMCID: PMC4615277.
Patriat, R., Molloy, E.K., & Birn, R.M. (2015). Using Edge Voxel Information to Improve Motion Regression for rs-fMRI Connectivity Studies. Brain Connectivity, 5(9), 582-595. doi: 10.1089/brain.2017.0321. PMCID: PMC4652211.
Van Hulle, C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2015). Trajectories of Sensory Over-Responsivity from Early to Middle Childhood: Birth and temperament risk factors. PLoS One, 10(6), e0129968. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129968. PMCID: PMC4481270.
Van Hulle, C.A., Moore, M.N., Shirtcliff, E.A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2015). Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Covariation Between DHEA and Testosterone in Adolescent Twins. Behavior Genetics, 45(3), 324-340. Doi: 10.1007/s10519-015-9709-7. PMCID: PMC4425578.
Williams, L.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., McFarlin, D.R., Rogers, G.M., Jesson, M.A., Davidson, R.J., Pine, D.S., & Kalin, N.H. (2015). Fear of the Unknown: Uncertain anticipation reveals amygdala alterations in childhood anxiety disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40(6), 1428-1435. doi: 10.1038/npp.2014.328. PMCID: PMC4397401.
Brooker, R.J., Davidson, R.J., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2016). Maternal Negative Affect During Infancy is Linked to Disrupted Patterns of Diurnal Cortisol and Alpha Asymmetry Across Contexts During Childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 142, 274-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.08.11. PMCID: PMC4666756.
Brooker, R.J., Phelps, R.A., Davidson, R.J., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2016). Context Differences in Delta Beta Coupling are Associated with Neuroendocrine Reactivity in Infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 58(3), 406-418. doi: 10.1002/dev.21381. PMCID: PMC4801734.
Burghy, C.A., Fox, M.E., Cornejo, M.D., Stodola, D.E., Sommerfeldt, S.L., Westbrook, C.A., Van Hulle, C., Schmidt, N.L., Goldsmith, H.H., Davidson, R.J., Birn, R.M. (2016). Experience-Driven Differences in Childhood Cortisol Predict Affect-Relevant Brain Function and Coping in Adolescent Monozygotic Twins. Scientific Reports, 6, 37081. doi: 10.1038/srep37081. PMCID: PMC5181835.
Chen, Y., Xiong, M., Dong, Y., Haberman, A., Cao, J., Liu, H., Zhou, W., & Zhang, S.C. (2016). Chemical Control of Grafted Human PSC-Derived Neurons in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease. Cell Stem Cell, 18(6), 817-26. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2016.03.014. PMCID: PMC4892985.
Dantzer R., Kalin, N. H. (2016). The cortisol awakening response at its best. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 63,412-413. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.11.002. PMID: 26604094.
Herringa, R.J., Burghy, C.A., Stodola, D.E., Fox, M.E., Davidson, R.J., & Essex, M.J. (2016). Enhanced Prefrontal-Amygdala Connectivity Following Childhood Adversity as a Protective Mechanism Against Internalizing in Adolescence. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 1(4), 326-334. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2016.03.003. PMCID: PMC5055123.
Huang, C.T., Tao, Y., Lu, J., Jones, J.R., Fowler, L., Weick, J.P., & Zhang, S.C. (2016). Time-Course Gene Expression Profiling Reveals a Novel Role of Non-Canonical WNT Signaling During Neural Induction. Scientific Reports, 6, 32600. doi: 10.1038/srep32600. PMCID: PMC5013468.
Jones, J.R., & Zhang, S.C. (2016). Engineering Human Cells and Tissues Through Pluripotent Stem Cells. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 40, 133-138. doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2016.03.010. PMCID: PMC4975619.
Kalin, N.H., Fox, A.S., Kovner, R., Riedel, M.K., Fekete, E.M., Roseboom, P.H., Tromp do, P.M., Grabow, B.P., Olsen, M.E., Brodsky, E.K., McFarlin, D.R., Alexander, A.L., Emborg, M.E., Block, W.F., Fudge, J.L., & Oler, J.A. (2016). Overexpressing Corticotropin-Releasing Factor in the Primate Amygdala Increases Anxious Temperament and Alters Its Neural Circuit. Biological Psychiatry, 80(5), 345-355. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.01.010. PMCID: PMC4967405.
Kecskemeti, S., Samsonov, A., Hurley, S.A., Dean, D.C., Field, A., & Alexander, A.L. (2016). MPnRAGE: A technique to simultaneously acquire hundreds of differently contrasted MPRAGE images with applications to quantitative T1 mapping. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 75(3):1040-1053. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25674. PMCID: PMC4609219.
Lapate, R.C., Rokers, B., Tromp do, P.M., Orfali, N.S., Oler, J.A., Doran, S.T., Adluru, N., Alexander, A.L., & Davidson, R.J. (2016). Awareness of Emotional Stimuli Determines the Behavioral Consequences of Amygdala Activation and Amygdala-Prefrontal Connectivity. Scientific Reports, 6, 25826. doi: 10.1038/srep25826. PMCID: PMC4867584.
Lu, J., Zhong, X., Liu, H., Hao, L., Huang, C.T., Sherafat, M.A., Jones, J., Ayala, M., Li, L., & Zhang, S.C. (2016). Generation of Serotonin Neurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Nature Biotechnology, 34(1), 89-94. doi: 10.1038/nbt.3435. PMCID: PMC4711820.
Scott, B.G., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Clifford, S., Tein, J.Y., Stoll, R., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2016). A Twin Factor Mixture Modeling Approach to Childhood Temperament: Differential heritability. Child Development, 87(6), 1940-1955. doi: 10.1111/cdev.125261. PMCID: PMC5154784.
Tao, Y., & Zhang, S.C. (2016). Neural Subtype Specification from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell, 19(5), 573-586. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.10.015. PMCID: PMC5127287.
Van Hulle, C.A., Clifford, S., Moore, M.N., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2016). Partial Replication of Two Rumination-Related Candidate Gene Studies. Cognition & Emotion, 31(5), 1-9. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1168779. PMCID: PMC5063675.
Adluru, N., Luo, Z., Van Hulle, C.A., Schoen, A.J., Davidson, R.J., Alexander, A.L., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). Anxiety-Related Experience-Dependent White Matter Structural Differences in Adolescence: A monozygotic twin difference approach. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 8749. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08107-6. PMCID: PMC5562810.
Alisch, R. S., Van Hulle, C. A., Chopra, P., Bhattacharyya, A., Zhang, S. C., Davidson, R. J., Kalin, N. H., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2017). A Multi-dimensional Characterization of Anxiety in Monozygotic Twin Pairs Reveals Susceptibility Loci in humans. Translational Psychiatry, 11(12), 1282. DOI: 10.1038/s41398-017-0047-9. PMCID: PMC5802687.
Bogdan, R., Salmeron, B.J., Carey, C.E., Agrawal, A., Calhoun, V.D., Garavan, H., Hariri, A.R., Heinz, A., Hill, M.N., Holmes, A., Kalin, N.H., & Goldman, D. (2017). Imaging Genetics and Genomics in Psychiatry: A critical review of progress and potential. Biological Psychiatry, 82(3), 165-175. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.12.030. PMCID: PMC5505787.
Brooker, R.J., Canen, M.J., Davidson, R.J., & Goldsmith H.H. (2017). Short- and Long-Term Stability of Alpha Asymmetry in Infants: Baseline and affective measures. Psychophysiology, 54(8), 1100-1109. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12866. PMCID: MPC5507748.
Chung, M.K., Hanson, J.L., Adluru, N., Alexander, A.L., Davidson, R.J., & Pollak, S.D. (2017). Integrative Structural Brain Network Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Brain Connectivity, 7(6), 331-346. doi: 10.1089/brain.2016.0481. PMCID: PMC5567603.
Dean, D.C. III, Planalp, E.M., Wooten, W., Adluru, N., Kecskemeti, S.R., Frye, C., Schmidt, C.K., Schmidt, N.L., Styner, M.A., Goldsmith, H.H., Davidson, R.J., & Alexander, A.L. (2017). Mapping White Matter Microstructure in the One Month Human Brain. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 9759. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09915-6. PMCID: PMC5575288.
Gagne, J.R., O'Sullivan, D.L., Schmidt, N.L., Spann, C.A., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). The Shared Etiology of Attentional Control and Anxiety: An adolescent twin study. Journal of Research on Adolescents, 27(1):122-138. doi: 10.1111/jora.12260. PMCID: PMC5431083.
Hanson, J.L., van den Bos, W., Roeber, B.J., Rudolph, K.D., Davidson, R.J., & Pollak, S.D. (2017). Early Adversity and Learning: Implications for Typical and Atypical Behavioral Development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(7), 770-778. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12694. PMCID: PMC5474156.
Hostinar, C.E., Davidson, R.J., Graham, E.K., Mroczek, D.K., Lachman, M.E., Seeman, T.E., van Reekum, C.M., & Miller, G.E. (2017). Frontal Brain Asymmetry, Childhood Maltreatment, and Low-Grade Inflammation at Midlife. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 75, 152-163. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.10.026. PMCID: PMC5289285.
Hoy, A.R., Ly, M., Carlsson, C.M., Okonkwo, O.C., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Sager, M.A., Asthana, S., Johnson, S.C., Alexander, A.L., & Bendlin, B.B. (2017). Microstructural White Matter Alterations in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease Detected Using Free Water Elimination Diffusion Tensor Imaging. PLoS One, 12(3), e0173982. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173982. PMCID: PMC5349685.
Kalin, N.H. (2017). Mechanisms Underlying the Early Risk to Develop Anxiety and Depression: A translational approach. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(6), 543-553. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2017.03.004. PMCID: PMC5482756.
Kral T. R. A., Solis, E., Mumford, J.A., Schuyler, B.S., Flook, L., Rifken, K., Patsenko, E.G., & Davidson, R.J. (2017). Neural Correlates of Empathic Accuracy in Adolescence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(11), 1701- 1710. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsx099. PMCID: PMC5714170.
Lapate, R.C., Samah, J., Rokers, B., Hamzah, H., Postle, B.R., & Davidson, R.J. (2017). Inhibition of Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Produces Emotionally Biased First Impressions: A TMS/EEG study. Psychological Science, 28(7), 942-953. doi: 10.1177/0956797617699837. PMCID: PMC4070508.
Lundwall, R.A., Dannemiller, J.L., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). Genetic Associations with Reflexive Visual Attention in Infancy and Childhood. Developmental Science, 20(3). doi: 10.111/desc.12371. PMCID: PMC4884175.
Miller, M.M., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). Profiles of Social-Emotional Readiness for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 132. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00132. PMCID: PMC5281560.
Oler, J.A., Tromp do, P.M., Fox, A.S., Kovner, R., Davidson, R.J., Alexander, A.L., McFarlin, D.R., Birn, R.M., E Berg, B., deCampo, D.M., Kalin, N.H., & Fudge, J.L. (2017). Connectivity Between the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala and the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis in the Non-Human Primate: Neuronal tract tracing and developmental neuroimaging studies. Brain Structure & Function, 222(1), 21-39. doi: 10.1007/s00429-016-1198-9. PMCID: PMC4995160.
Patriat, R., Reynolds, R. C., & Birn, R. M. (2017). An improved model of motion-related signal changes in fMRI. NeuroImage, 1:144(Pt A):74-82. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.08.051. PMCID: PMC5533292.
Planalp, E.M., Van Hulle, C., Gagne, J.R., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). The Infant Version of the Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery (Lab-TAB): Measurement properties and implications for concepts of temperament. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 846. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00846. PMCID: PMC5442210.
Planalp, E.M., Van Hulle, C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Development of Positive Affect in Infancy. Emotion, 17(3):412-420. doi: 10.1037/emo0000238. PMCID: PMC5367954.
Sarikisian, K., Van Hulle, C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2017). Childhood Inhibitory Control and Adolescent Impulsivity and Novelty Seeking as Differential Predictors of Relational and Overt Aggression. Journal of Research in Personality, 67, 144-150. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2016.07.011. PMCID: PMC5624336.
Shackman, A.J., Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2017). Heightened Extended Amygdala Metabolism Following Threat Characterizes the Early Phenotypic Risk to Develop Anxiety-Related Psychopathology. Molecular Psychiatry, 22(5), 724-732. doi: 10.1038/mp.2016.132. PMCID: PMC5332536.
Van Hulle, C. A., Clifford, S., Moore, M., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2017). Partial Constructive Replication of Two Rumination-related Candidate Gene Studies. Cognition and Emotion, 31, 963-971. doi: http://doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2016.1168779 .PMCID: PMC5063675.
Van Hulle, C.A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith H.H. (2017). Parent-Offspring Transmission of Internalizing and Sensory over-Responsivity Symptoms in Adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1007/s10802-017-0300-y. PMCID: PMC5634909.
Van Hulle, C.A., Moore, M.N., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Goldsmith, H.H., & Brooker, R.J. (2017). Infant Stranger Fear Trajectories Predict Anxious Behaviors and Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm During Childhood. Development and Psychopathology, 29(3), 1119-1130. doi: 10.1017/S0954579417000311. PMCID: PMC5509479.
Young, J.T., Shi, Y., Niethammer, M., Grauer, M., Coe, C.L., Lubach, G.R., Davis, B., Budin, F., Knickmeyer, R.C., Alexander, A.L., Styner, M.A. (2017). The UNC-Wisconsin Rhesus Macaque Neurodevelopment Database: A Structural MRI and DTI Database of Early Postnatal Development. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11(29), 1-11. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00029. PMCID: PMC5288388.
Dean, D. C. III, Planalp, E. M., Wooten, W., Kecskemeti, S. R., Adluru, N. Schmidt, C. K., Frye, C., Birn, R. M., Burghy, C. A., Schmidt, N. L., Styner, M. A., Short, S. J., Kalin, N. H., Goldsmith, H. H., Alexander, A. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2018). Association of prenatal maternal depression and anxiety symptoms with infant white matter microstructure. JAMA Pediatr. 2018 Aug 27. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.2132. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30177999.
Dean, D. C. III., Planalp, E. M., Wooten, W., Schmidt, C. K., Kecskemeti, S. R., Frye, C., Schmidt, N. L., Goldsmith, H. H., Alexander, A. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2018). Investigation of Brain Structure in the 1-month Infant. Brain Structure and Function, 233(4), 1953-1970. Doi: 10.1007/s00429-017-1600-2. PMCID: PMC5886836.
Fox, A. S., Oler, J. A., Birn, R. M., Shackman, A. J., Alexander, A. L., & Kalin, N.H. (2018). Functional Connectivity within the Primate Extended Amygdala Is Heritable and Associated with Early-Life Anxious Temperament. J Neurosci. 2018 Aug 29;38(35):7611-7621. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0102-18.2018. Epub 2018 Jul 30. PubMed PMID: 30061190 PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6113902.
Kalin, N. H. (2018). Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Binding Protein: Stress, psychopathology, and antidepressant treatment response. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(3), 204-206. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2018.18010059. PMCID: PMC5873578.
Kecskemeti, S. R., Samsonov, A., Velikina, J., Field, A. S., Turski, P., Lainhart, J., & Alexander, A. L. (2018). Robust Motion Correction Strategy for Structural MRI in Unsedated Children Demonstrated in 3D Radial MPnRage. Radiology, Published online 31 July. Doi: 10.1148/radiol.2018180180. PMID: 30063192.
Moirano, J. M., Bezgin, G. Y., Ahlers, E. O., Kotter, R., & Converse, A. (2018). Rhesus Macaque Brain Atlas Regions Aligned to an MRI Template. Neuroinformatics. 2018 Oct 5. PMID: 30291569 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-018-9400-2
Sarkisian, K., Van Hulle, C. A., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2018). Brooding, inattention, and impulsivity as predictors of adolescent suicidal ideation. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Published online 29 May. doi.org/10.1007/s10802-018-0435-5. PMID: 2980397.
Zhao, G., Liu, F., Oler, J.A., Meyerand, M.E0, Kalin, N.H., & Birn, R.M. (2018). Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network Based MRI Brain Extraction on Nonhuman Primates. Neuroimage, 175, 32-44. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.065. PMCID: PMC6095475.
Abstracts & Posters
Chung, M. K., Luo, Z., Adluru, A., Alexander, A. L., Davidson, R. J., Goldsmith, H. H. (2018). Heritability of hierarchical structural brain network. 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Honolulu, HI. July 17-21. doi.org/10.1101/209635.
Burghy, C.A., Fox, M.E., Cornejo, M.D, Stodola, D.E., Van Hulle, C., Ojiaku, P., Birn, R.M., Goldsmith H.H., Davidson R.J. (2014, November). Intra-Pair Differences in Childhood Cortisol Predict Differences in Affect-Relevant Brain Function and Coping Styles in Adolescent Monozygotic Twins. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., United States.
Clifford, S., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, June). A Twin Factor Mixture Modeling Approach to Childhood Temperament: Differential Heritability. Paper presented at Behavior Genetics Association, Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Fox, M., Dyer, A., Burghy, C., Stodola, D., Hanson, J., Armstrong, J., Birn, R., Essex, M., & Davidson, R.J. (2013, April). Task-Related Connectivity, Amygdala Volume, and Cognitive Function in Anxious Adolescents. Poster presented at Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA, United States.
Goldsmith, H.H., Burghy, C., Molloy, E., Stodola, D., Schmidt, N., van Hulle, C., Cornejo, M.D., Kalluru, S., Davidson, R.J., Birn, R. (2014, March). Intra-Pair Differences in Childhood Cortisol Predict Differences in Adolescent Monozygotic Twins. Poster presented at Society for Research on Adolescence, Austin TX, United States.
Meek, S., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, June). Testing a Conceptual Model of Cascading Gene-Environment Correlation: AVPR1A, children's social competence, and maternal preference across seven years. Paper presented at Behavior Genetics Association, Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Moore, M., Van Hulle, C., Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, June). Validating RDoC Positive and Negative Valence Construts in Children Using Biometric Methods. Paper presented at Behavior Genetics Association, Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Moore, M.N., Brooker, R.J., Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, May). Parsing Fear and Inhibition in Social and Non-Social Contexts. Presentation presented at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.
Saylor, A., Van Hulle, C., Schmidt, C., Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, June). An Examination of Negative Emotional Reactivity and its Recovery in Twins. Poster presented at Behavior Genetics Association, Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Scott, B., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, June). Phenotypic Specificity: Unique and shared genetic and environmental contributions to children's fear, anger, and sadness. Paper presented at Behavior Genetics Association, Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Sarkisian, K., Van Hulle, C., Goldsmith, H.H. (2014, June). Dopamine Neurotransmission Genetic Risk Profile as a Moderator of the Association Between Stress Exposure and Externalizing Problems in Middle Childhood. Poster presented at Behavior Genetics Association, Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Older Publications
The following list of older Center-fomented publications includes over 130 articles and over 20 abstracts.
Project 1
Christian, B.T., Vandehey, N.T., Fox, A.S., Murali, D., Oakes, T.R., Converse, A.K., Nickles, R.J., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2009). The distribution of D2/D3 receptor binding in the adolescent rhesus monkey using small animal PET imaging. NeuroImage 44:1334-1344. PMCID: PMC2649779
Christian, B.T., Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Vandehey, N.T., Murali, D., Rogers, J., Oakes, T.R., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2009). Serotonin Transporter Binding and Genotype in the Nonhuman Primate Brain Using [C-11]DASB PET. Neuroimage 47(4):1230-6. PMCID: PMC2798593
Essex, M.J., Klein, M.H., Slattery, M.J., Goldsmith, H.H., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Early Risk Factors and Developmental Pathways to Chronic High Inhibition and Social Anxiety Disorder in Adolescence. American Journal of Psychiatry 167(1):40-6. PMCID: PMC2806488
Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.R., Converse, A.K., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Orbitofrontal cortex lesions alter anxiety-related activity in the primate bed nucleus of stria terminalis. Journal of Neuroscience 30(20):7023-7. PMCID: PMC2915894
Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2008) Trait-like brain activity during adolescence predicts anxious temperament in primates. PLoS ONE 3(7): PMCID: PMC2430534
Jahn, A.L., Fox, A.S., Abercrombie, H.C., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H.. (2010). Subgenual PFC Activity Predicts Individual Differences in HPA Activity Across Different Contexts. Biologic Psychiatry 67(2):175-81. PMCID: PMC2804442
Kalin, N.H., Shelton, S.E., Fox, A.S., Rogers, J., Oakes, T.R., & Davidson, R.J.. (2008). The serotonin transporter genotype is associated with intermediate brain phenotypes that depend on the context of the eliciting stressor. Molecular Psychiatry, 13(11), 1021-7. This article is also featured on the cover image. PMCID: PMC2785009
Kelley, D.J., Oakes, T.R., Greischar, L.L., Chung, M.K., Ollinger, J.M., Alexander, A.L., Shelton, S.E., Kalin, N.H., & Davidson, R.J. (2008). Automatic physiological waveform processing for fMRI noise correction and analysis. PLoS One 3:e1751. PMCID: PMC2268243
Locke, R.L., Davidson, R.J., Kalin, N.H., & Goldsmith, H.H. (2009). Children’s context inappropriate anger and salivary cortisol. Developmental Psychology 45(5):1284-97. PMCID: PMC2776065
Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Rogers, J., Dyer, T.D., Davidson, R.J., Shelledy, W., Oakes, T.R., Blangero, J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Amygdalar and hippocampal substrates of anxious temperament differ in their heritability. Nature 466:864-868. PMCID: PMC2998538
Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Christian, T.B., Murali, D., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2009). Serotonin transporter availability in the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis predicts anxious temperament and brain glucose metabolic activity. Journal of Neuroscience 29(32):9961-6. PMCID: PMC2756094.
Rogers, J., Shelton, S.E., Shelledy, W., Garcia, R., & Kalin, N.H. (2008). Genetic influences on behavioral inhibition and anxiety in juvenile rhesus macaques. Genes, Brain, and Behavior 7:463-469. PMCID: PMC2785008
Conference Presentations and Published Abstracts
Birn, R.M., Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Resting functional connectivity between the amygdala and dlpfc predicts anxious temperament in the rhesus monkey. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in 2010.
Christian, B.T., Murali, D., Vandehey, N.T., Fox, A.S., Oakes, T.R., Nickles, R.J., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H.. Database of D2/D3 receptor binding in the adolescent rhesus monkey. Society for Nuclear Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2008
Christian, B.T., Vandehey, N.T., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Murali, D., Rogers, J., Oakes, T.R., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. A PET investigation of 5-HTTLPR gene polymorphisms on serotonin transporter binding in the rhesus monkey. Program No. 100.10 2008 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008
Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Roseboom, P.H., Nanda, S.A., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Anxious Temperament Related Gene Expression in the Primate Amygdala. Presented at the New York Academy of Sciences meeting on Behavioral Epigenetics in 2010.
Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.E., Shelledy, W., Dyer, T.D., Blangero, J., Rogers, J., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Gray-matter probability in the amygdala predicts anxious temperament and is heritable. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting 2010.
Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Alexander, A.L., Oakes, T.R., Shackman, A.J., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) demonstrates that prefrontal-amygdala relationships relate to anxious temperament and amygdale metabolism. Human Brain Mapping: San Francisco, CA, June 2009.
Kirkland, J.Z., Essex, M.J., Slattery, M.J., Kalin, N.H., & Davidson, R.J.. Neural activation during a go/no-go task with face and object stimuli: A comparison of high and low socially-anxious individuals. Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2008
Lane, J.C., Qi, C., Nanda, S.A., Speers, J.M., Roseboom, P.H. & Kalin, N.H. Developing a rodent model of anxious temperament for mechanistic studies of anxiety-like behaviors in rodents. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, 2009.
Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.E., Shelledy, W., Dyer, T.D., Blangero, J., Rogers, J., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Heritable and non-heritable brain metabolism during exposure to potential threat. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting 2010.
Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Rogers, J., Shelledy, W., Raveendran, M., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2009). The influence of a CRHR1 gene polymorphism on anxious temperament and amygdala reactivity in rhesus monkeys. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting 2009.
Roseboom, P.H., Nanda, S.A., Qi, C., & Kalin, N.H. (2008).. Threat-induced behavioral inhibition in rats: A model to examine mechanisms underlying maladaptive behaviors and the risk to develop anxiety and depression. Biological Psychiatry 63 (Suppl 7S):61S, 2008. Society of Biological Psychiatry, Washington, DC, May 2008
Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., Shelledy, W., Dyer, T., Blangero, J., Rogers, J., & Kalin, N.H. (2011). Heritability of glucose metabolism in the rhesus monkey brain during exposure to potential threat. Presented at the Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference in 2011.
Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Shelledy, W., Garcia, R., Dyer, T.D., Blangero, J., Christian, B.T., Davidson, R.J., Rogers, J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). The serotonin transporter polymorphism, amygdala activity and anxious temperament. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in 2010.
Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Oakes, T.R., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H.. Activity of the primate amygdale central nucleus predicts anxious temperament. Society of Biological Psychiatry, Vancouver, BC, May 2009.
Shelton, S.E., Fox, A., Davidson, R.J., Oakes, T.R., & Kalin, N.H. Increased amygdale activity predicts anxious temperament in adolescent primates. Biological Psychiatry, Washington DC, May, 2008
Shelton, S.E., Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Oakes, T.R., Christian, B.T., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. 5-HTT binding in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis predicts individual differences in anxious temperament. International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Dresden, Germany, July 2008.
Project 2
Abercrombie, H. C., Jahn, A. L., Davidson, R. J., Kern, S., Kirschbaum, C., & Halverson, J. (2011). Cortisol's effects on hippocampal activation in depressed patients are related to alterations in memory formation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(1), 15-23. PMCID: PMC3050626
Bauer P. M., Hanson J. L., Pierson R. K., Davidson R. J., & Pollak S. D. (2009). Cerebellar volume and cognitive functioning in children who experienced early deprivation. Biological Psychiatry, 66(12), 1100-1106. PMCID: PMC2878609, NIHMSID: NIHMS202626
Christian, B. T., Fox, A. S., Oler, J. A., Vandehey, N. T., Murali, D., Rogers, J., Oakes, T. R., Shelton, S. E., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2009). Serotonin transporter binding and genotype in the nonhuman primate brain using [C-11]DASB PET. Neuroimage, 47(4), 1230-6. PMCID: PMC2798593, NIHMSID: NIHMS122978
Christian, B. T., Murali, D., Vandehey, N. T., Fox, A. S., Oakes, T. R., Nickles, R. J., Shelton, S. E., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2009). The distribution of D2/D3 receptor binding in the adolescent rhesus monkey using small animal PET imaging. NeuroImage, 44(4), 1334-1344. PMCID: PMC2649779, NIHMSID: NIHMS93207
Chung, M. K., Worsley, K. J., Nacewicz, B. M., Dalton, K. M., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). General multivariate linear modeling of surface shapes using SurfStat. NeuroImage, 53(2), 491-505. PMCID: PMC3056984
Chung, M. K., Dalton, K. M., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Tensor-based cortical surface morphometry via weighted spherical harmonic representation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27(8), 1143-51. PMID: 18672431
Chung, M. K., Hartley, R., Dalton, K. M., & Davdison, R.J. (2008). Encoding cortical surfaces by spherical harmonics. Statistica Sinica, 18, 1269-91.
Davidson, R. J., Pizzagalli, D., & Nitschke, J. B. (2009). The representation and regulation of emotion in depression: Perspectives from affective neuroscience. In I.H. Gotlib & C.L. Hammen (Eds.), Handbook of Depression, Second Edition (pp. 218-248). New York: Guilford Press. PMID: 11752496
Fox, A., Shelton, S., Oakes, T. R., Converse, A., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. (2010). Orbitofrontal cortex lesions alter anxiety-related activity in the primate bed nucleus of stria terminalis. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(20), 7023-7. PMCID: PMC2915894, NIHMSID: NIHMS187483
Fox, A. S., Shelton, S. E., Oakes, T. R., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2008). Trait-like brain activity during adolescence predicts anxious temperament in primates. PLoS ONE, 3(7), e2570. PMCID: PMC2430534
Goldsmith, H. H., Davidson, R. J., & Pollak, S. (2008). Developmental neuroscience perspectives on emotion regulation. Child Development Perspectives, 2(3), 132-140. PMCID: PMC2756715, NIHMSID: NIHMS146428
Hanson, J. L., Chung, M. K., Avants, B. B., Shritcliff, E. A., Gee, J. C., Davidson, R. J., & Pollak, S. D. (2010). Early stress is associated with alterations in the orbitofrontal cortex: A tensor-based morphometry investigation of brain structure and behavioral risk. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(22), 7466-72. PMCID: PMC2893146, NIHMSID: NIHMS210609
Heller A. S., Johnstone, T., Shackman, A. J., Light, S., Peterson, M., Kolden, G., Kalin, N., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Reduced capacity to sustain positive emotion in major depression reflects diminished maintenance of fronto-striatal brain activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(52), 22445–22450. PMCID: PMC2796908
Jahn, A. L., Fox, A. S., Abercrombie, H. C., Shelton, S. E., Oakes, T. R., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Subgenual prefrontal cortex activity predicts individual differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity across different contexts. Biological Psychiatry, 67, 175-81. PMCID: PMC284442, NIHMSID: NIHMS155573
Kalin, N. H., Shelton, S. E., Fox, A. S., Rogers, J., Oakes, T. R., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). The serotonin transporter genotype is associated with intermediate brain phenotypes that depend on the context of the eliciting stressor. Molecular Psychiatry, 13, 1021-1027. PMCID: PMC2785009, NIHMSID: NIHMS156897
Kelley, D. J., Oakes, T. R., Greischar, L. L., Chung, M. K., Ollinger, J. M., Alexander, A. L., Shelton, S. E., Kalin, N. H., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Automatic physiological waveform processing for fMRI noise correction and analysis. PLoS ONE, 3(3), e1751. PMCID: PMC2268243
Kern, S., Oakes, T. R., Stone, C. K., McAuliff, E. M., Kirschbaum, C., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Glucose metabolic changes in the prefrontal cortex are associated with HPA axis response to a psychosocial stressor. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33, 517-29. PMCID: PMC2601562, NIHMSID: NIHMS48555
Lee, H., Shackman, A. J., Jackson, D. C., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Test-retest reliability of voluntary emotion regulation. Psychophysiology, 46, 874–879. PMCID: PMC2706917, NIMMSID: NIHMS95281
Light, S. N., Coan, J. A., Zahn-Waxler, C., Frye, C., Goldsmith, H. H., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Empathy is associated with dynamic change in prefrontal brain electrical activity during positive emotion in children. Child Development, 80(4), 1210-1231. PMCID: PMC2717040, NIHMSID: NIHMS98792
Light, S. N., Goldsmith, H. H., Coan, J. A., Frye, C., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Dynamic variation in pleasure in children predicts non-linear change in lateral frontal activity. Developmental Psychology, 45(2), 525-533. PMCID: PMC2758087, NIHMSID: NIHMS98794
Locke, R. L., Davidson, R. J., Kalin, N. H., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). Children’s context inappropriate anger and salivary cortisol. Developmental Psychology , 45(5), 1284-1297. PMCID: PMC2776065, NIHMSID: NIHMS156799
McMenamin, B. W., Shackman, A. J., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2011). Electromyogenic artifacts and electroencephalographic inferences revisited. Neuroimage, 54, 4-9. PMCID: PMC2962711
McMenamin, B. W., Shackman, A. J., Maxwell, J. S., Bachhuber, D. R., Koppenhaver, A. M., Greischar, L. L. & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Validation of ICA-based myogenic artifact correction for scalp and source-localized EEG. Neuroimage, 49, 2416–2432. PMCID: PMC2818255, NIHMSID: NIHMS150978
McMenamin, B. W., Shackman, A. J., Maxwell, J. S., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Validation of regression-based myogenic correction techniques for scalp and source-localized EEG. Psychophysiology, 46(3), p578-592. PMCID: PMC2677703, NIHMSID: NIHMS82796
Nitschke, J. B., Sarinopoulos, I., Oathes, D. J., Johnstone, T., Whalen, P. J., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2009). Anticipatory activation in the amygdala and anterior cingulate in generalized anxiety disorder and prediction of treatment response. American Journal of Psychiatry. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.07101682. PMCID: PMC2804441, NIHMSID: NIHMS156813
Oler, J. A., Fox, A. S., Shelton, S. E., Rogers, J., Dyer, T. D., Davidson, R. J., Shelledy, W., Oakes, T. R., Blangero, J., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Amygdalar and hippocampal substrates of anxious temperament differ in their heritability. Nature, 466, 864-8. PMCID: PMC2998538, NIHMSID: NIHMS214958
Oler, J., Fox, A., Shelton, S., Christian, B., Murali, D., Oakes, T. R., Davidson, R. J. & Kalin, N. (2009). Serotonin transporter availability in the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis predicts anxious temperament and brain glucose metabolic activity. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(32), 9961–9966. PMCID: PMC2756094, NIHMSID: NIHMS141232
Putnam, K. M., Pizzagalli, D. A., Gooding, D. C., Kalin, N. H., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Neural activity and diurnal variation of cortisol: Evidence from brain electrical tomography analysis and relevance to anhedonia. Psychophysiology, 45(6), 886-95. PMCID: PMC2785006, NIHMSID: NIHMS156901
Schuyler, B. S., Ollinger, J. M., Oakes, T. R., Johnstone, T., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Dynamic causal modeling applied to fMRI data shows high reliability. Neuroimage, 49(1), 603-611. PMCID: PMC2867050, NIHMSID: NIHMS133434
Shackman, A. J., Salomons, T. V., Slagter, H. A., Fox, A. S., Winter, J. J., & Davidson, R. J. (2011). The integration of negative affect, pain, and cognitive control in the cingulate cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. PMCID: PMC3044650
Shackman, A. J., Maxwell, J. S., McMenamin, B. W., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2011). Stress potentiates early and attenuates late stages of visual processing. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(3), 1156-1161. PMCID: PMC3037336, NIHMSID: NIHMS266114
Shackman, A. J., McMenamin, B. W., Maxwell, J. S., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Identifying robust and sensitive frequency bands for interrogating neural oscillations. Neuroimage, 51, 1319–1333. PMCID: PMC2871966, NIHMSID: NIHMS187177
Shackman, A. J., McMenamin, B. W., Maxwell, J. S., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortical activity and behavioral inhibition. Psychological Science, 20(12), 1500-1506. PMCID: PMC2858783, NIHMSID: NIHMS109647
Shackman, A. J., McMenamin, B. W., Slagter, H. A., Maxwell, J. S., Greischar, L. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Electromyogenic artifacts and electroencephalographic inferences. Brain Topography. DOI: 10.1007/s10548-009-0079-4. PMCID: PMC2712576, NIHMSID: NIHMS95380
Slagter, H. A., Davidson, R. J., & Tomer, R. (2010). Eye blink rate predicts individual differences in pseudoneglect. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1265-1268. PMCID: PMC2843752, NIHMSID: NIHMS167448
Vandehey, N. T., Moirano, J. M., Converse, A. K., Holden, J. E., Mukherjee, J., Murali, D., Nickles, R. J., Davidson, R. J., Schneider, M. L., & Christian, B. T. (2010). High-affinity dopamine D2/D3 PET radioligands 18F-fallypride and 11C-FLB457: A comparison of kinetics in extrastriatal regions using a multiple-injection protocol. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 30(5), 994-1007. PMCID: PMC2897717, NIHMSID: NIHMS177625
Vandehey, N. T., Garell, P. C., Hampel, J. A., Murali, D., Smith, E., Davidson, R. J., Converse, A. K., Nickles, R. J., & Christian, B.T. (2009). PET measurement of changes in D3/D3 dopamine receptor binding in a nonhuman primate during chronic deep brain stimulation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 176, 129-35. PMCID: PMC26338170, NIHMSID: NIHMS88924
Whalen P. J., Johnstone T., Somerville L. H., Nitschke J. B., Polis S., Alexander A., Davidson R. J., & Kalin N. (2008). A functional MRI predictor of treatment response to venlafaxine in generalized anxiety disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 63(9), 858-63. PMCID: PMC2654286, NIHMSID: NIHMS83729
Wooten, D. W., Moraino, J. D., Hillmer, A. T., Engle, J. W., Dejesus, O. J., Murali, D., Barnhart, T. E., Nickles, R. J., Davidson, R. J., Schneider, M. L., Mukherjee, J., & Christian, B. T. (in press). In vivo kinetics of [F-18]MEFWAY: A comparison with [C-11]WAY100635 and [F-18]MPPF in the nonhuman primate. Synapse. PMCID: PMC3080024
Zhang, C., Lu, Y., Johnstone, T., Oakes, T., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Efficient modeling and inference for event-related fMRI data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52(10), 4859-71.
Conference Presentations and Published Abstracts
Birn, R.M., Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). Resting functional connectivity between the amygdala and dlpfc predicts anxious temperament in the rhesus monkey. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Christian, B. T., Vandehey, N. T., Olier, A., Fox, A. S., Murali, D., Rogers, J., et al. (2008, November). A PET investigation of 5-HTTLPR gene polymorphisms on serotonin transporter binding in the rhesus monkey. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
Chung, M. K., Adluru, N., Dalton, K. M., Alexander, A. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Characterization of Structural Connectivity in Autism using Graph Networks with DTI. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Chung, M. K., Hanson, J. L., Avants, B., Gee, J., Davidson, R. J., & Pollak, S. (2010). Structural Connectivity Mapping via the Tensor-Based Morphometry. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Chung, M. K., Kelley, D. J., Dalton, K. M., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Detection of local cortical asymmetry via discriminant power analysis. NeuroImage, 41, S90.
Fox, A. S., Oler, J. A., Shelton, S. E., Oakes, T. E., Shelledy, W., Dyer, T. D., Blangero, J., Rogers, J., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Gray-matter probability in the amygdala predicts anxious temperament and is heritable. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal, Canada.
Fox, A. S., Shelton, S. E., Oler, J. A., Roseboom, P. H., Nanda, S. A., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Anxious Temperament Related Gene Expression in the Primate Amygdala. Presented at the New York Academy of Sciences meeting on Behavioral Epigenetics, Boston, MA.
Hanson, J.L., Chung, M.K., Pollak, S.D. & Davidson, R.J. (2010). Development of the medial temporal lobe: Cross-sectional & longitudinal insights into behavioral change. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Hanson, J. L., Davidson, R. J., Pollak, S. D. (2009). The correlates of early experience on structural brain development. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Hanson, J. L., Chung, M. K., Sutterer, M. J., Nacewicz, B. M., Pollack, S. D., & Davidson, R. J. (2008, November). Smaller amygdalae are associated with early social deprivation
Heller, A., Johnstone, T., Peterson, M. J., Kolden, G. G., Kalin, N. H., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Increased ability to sustain activity in fronto-striatal circuits is related to improved positive affect following treatment in major depression. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Heller, A. S., Greischar, L. L., Honor, A., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Acquisition of simultaneous corrugator EMG and BOLD fMRI. Society for Psychophysiological Research Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Johnstone, T., Kolden, G., Polis, S., Peterson, M. J., Tierney, S., Kalin, N. H, et al. (2008). Prefrontal regulation of the emotional brain: Findings in depressed and healthy subjects from neuroimaging and psychophysiology. Biological Psychiatry, 63, 52S.
Johnstone, T., Kolden, G., Polis, S., Peterson, M., Tierney, S., Kalin, N., et al. (2008). Prefrontal regulation of the emotional brain: Findings in depressed and healthy subjects from neuroimaging and psychophysiology. NeuroImage, 41, S170.
Kirkland, J.Z., Essex, M.J., Armstrong, J.M., & Davidson, R.J. (2008). Inhibiting responses to faces and complex objects: Concurrent empathy, developmental aggression, and neural response. NeuroImage, 41, S137.
Kirkland, J.Z., Essex, M.J., Slattery, M.J., Kalin, N.H., & Davidson, R.J. (2008). Neural activation during a go/no-go task with face and object stimuli: A comparison of high and low socially-anxious individuals. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, IL.
Lapate, R. C., Salomons, T. V., Lee, H., van Reekum, C. M., Greischar, L. L, Davidson, R. J. (2009, October). The contribution of affective style to the successful downregulation of pain: A psychophysiological and neuroimaging investigation. Psychophysiology, 46, S95.
Lee, H., Heller, A. S., van Reekum, C., Nelson, B., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Successful Down-Regulation of Negative Affect is Associated with Amygdala-PFC Decoupling. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Nusslock, R., Shackman, A. J., McMenamin, R. W., Greischar, L. L., Kovacs, M., & Davidson, R. J. (2008). Anxiety moderates relations between frontal EEG alpha asymmetry and depression. Psychophysiology, 45, S77.
Oler, J. A., Fox, A. S., Shelton, S. E., Oakes, T. E., Shelledy, W., Dyer, T. D., Blangero, J., Rogers, J., Davidson, R. J., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Heritable and non-heritable brain metabolism during exposure to potential threat. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal, Canada.
Oler, J. A., Fox, A. S., Shelton, S. E., Rogers, J., Shelledy, W., Raveendran, M., et al. (2009). The influence of a CRHR1 gene polymorphism on anxious temperament and amygdale reactivity in rhesus monkeys. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Schaefer, S. M., Sutterer, M. J., Peschke, L. C., van Reekum, C. M., Norris, C. J., Lapate, R. C., et al. (2009). Amygdala volume predicts prolonged response to negative stimuli, whereas hippocampal volume predicts prolonged response to positive stimuli (as indexed by corrugator facial EMG). NeuroImage, 47(S1), 699.
Schaefer, S. M., van Reekum, C. M., Lapate, R. C., Norris, C. J., Bachhuber, D. R. W., Sutterer, M. J., et al. (2009, October). Impaired recovery from negative stimuli across paradigms and measures. Psychophysiology, 46, S130.
Schaefer, S., Sutterer, M., Reekum, C., Nacewicz, B., Norris, C., Lapate, R., et al. (2008). Amygdala volume predicts reactivity to positive but recovery from negative stimuli as indexed by corrugator facial EMG. NeuroImage, 41, S169.
Schuyler, B. S., Weng, H., Rosenkranz, M. A., MacCoon, D., Sheftel, J., Lutz, A., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Examining Prefrontal to Amygdala Circuitry During Emotion Regulation Using Dynamic Causal Modeling. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Shelton, S. E., Oler, J. O., Fox, A. S., Oakes, T. R., Davidson, R. J., Shelledy, W., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Heritability of Glucose Metabolism in the Rhesus Monkey Brain During Exposure to Potential Threat. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Shelton, S.E., Oler, J.A., Fox, A.S., Shelledy, W., Garcia, R., Dyer, T.D., Blangero, J., Christian, B.T., Davidson, R.J., Rogers, J., & Kalin, N.H. (2010). The serotonin transporter polymorphism, amygdala activity and anxious temperament. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Shelton, S. E., Oler, J. A., Fox, A. S., Oakes, T. R., Davidson, R. J., and Kalin, N. H. (2009). Activity of the primate amygdala central nucleus predicts anxious temperament. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 8S.
Shelton, S. E., Fox, A. S., Davidson, R. J., Oakes, T. R., & Kalin, N. H. (2008). Increased amygdala activity predicts anxious temperament in adolescent primates. Biological Psychiatry, 63, 62S.
van Reekum, C. M., Johnstone, T., Norris, C. J., Schaefer, S. M., Lapate, R. C., Bachhuber, D., et al. (2008). Neural mechanisms underlying cognition-affect interaction and psychological well-being. NeuroImage, 41, S136.
van Reekum, C. M., Johnstone, T., Schaefer, S. M., Norris, C. J., Lapate, R. C., Bachhuber, D., et al. (2008). Neural mechanisms underlying cognition-affect interactions and psychological well-being. Psychophysiology, 45, S77.
Marilyn Essex
Aksan, N., Goldsmith, H. H., Essex, M. J., & Vandell, D. L. (2009). Communicative functions of emotions in sibling relationships. In M. Russo and A. De Luca (Eds.), Psychology of Family Relationships (pp. 133-158). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Burk, L. R., Armstrong, J. M., Park, J. H., Zahn-Waxler, C., Klein, M. H., & Essex, M. J. (2011). Stability of early identified aggressive victim status in elementary school and associations with later mental health problems and functional impairments. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 225-238. PMID: 21159093, NIHMS276767
Burk, R. L., Park, J. H., Armstrong, J. M., Klein, M. H., Goldsmith, H. H., Zahn-Waxler, C., & Essex, M. J. (2008). Identification of early child and family risk factors for aggressive victim status in first grade. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 513-526. PMID: 18092191
Ellis, B. J., Shirtcliff, E. A., Boyce, W. T., Deardorff, J., & Essex, M. J. (2011). Quality of early family relationships and the timing and tempo of puberty: Effects depend on biological sensitivity to context. Development and Psychopathology, 23, 85-99. PMCID: PMC3033698
Essex, M. J., Armstrong, J. M., Burk, L. R., Goldsmith, H. H., & Boyce, W. T. (2011). Biological sensitivity to context moderates the effects of the early teacher–child relationship on the development of mental health by adolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 23, 149-161. PMID: 21262045, NIHMS241106
Essex, M. J., Klein, M. H., Slattery, M. J., Goldsmith, H. H., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Early risk factors and developmental pathways to chronic high inhibition and social anxiety disorder in adolescence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167, 40-46. PMCID: PMC2806488
Essex, M. J., Kraemer, H. C., Slattery, M. J., Burk, L. R., Boyce, W. T., Woodward, H. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (2009). Screening for childhood mental health problems: Outcomes and early identification. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 562-570. PMCID: PMC2682224
Gagne, J. R., Van Hulle, C. A., Aksan, N., Essex, M. J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (in press). Deriving childhood temperament measures from emotion-eliciting behavioral episodes: Scale construction and initial validation. Psychological Assessment. PMID: 21480723, NIHMS251016
Luby, J. L., Essex, M. J., Armstrong, J. M., Klein, M. H., Zahn-Waxler, C., Sullivan, J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). Gender differences in the emotional reactivity of depressed and at risk preschoolers: Implications for gender specific manifestations of preschool depression. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 38, 525-537. PMCID: PMC2829727.
Monk, T. H., Burk, L. R., Klein, M. H., Kupfer, D. J., Soehner, A. M., & Essex, M. J. (2010). Behavioral circadian regularity at age 1 month predicts anxiety levels during school-age years, Psychiatry Research, 178, 370-373. PMCID: PMC2902574
Shirtcliff, E. A., Allison, A. L., Armstrong, J. M., Slattery, M. J., Kalin, N. H., & Essex, M. J. Longitudinal stability and developmental properties of salivary cortisol levels and circadian rhythms from childhood to adolescence. Developmental Psychobiology. Revise and resubmit.
Shirtcliff, E., & Essex, M.J. (2008). Concurrent and longitudinal associations of basal and diurnal cortisol with mental health symptoms in early adolescence. Developmental Psychobiology, 50, 690-703. PMCID: PMC2660275
Silver, R. B., Measelle, J. R., Armstrong, J. M., & Essex, M. J. (2010). The impact of parents, child care providers, teachers, and peers on early externalizing trajectories, Journal of School Psychology, 48, 555-583. PMCID: PMC3017381
Slattery, M. J., & Essex, M. J. (in press). Specificity in the association of anxiety, depression, and atopic disorders in a community sample of adolescents. Journal of Psychiatric Research. PMID: 21111430, NIHMS256485
Wiik, K. L., Loman, M. M., Van Ryzin, M. J., Armstrong, J. M., Essex, M. J., Pollak, S. D., & Gunnar, M. R. (2011). Behavioral and emotional symptoms of post-institutionalized children in middle childhood, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52, 56-63. PMCID: PMC2978793
Conference Presentations and Published Abstracts
Allison, A.L., Shirtcliff, E.A., Armstrong, J.M., Slattery, M.J., Kalin, N.H., & Essex, M.J. (2011). Longitudinal stability and developmental properties of salivary cortisol levels and diurnal rhythms from childhood to adolescence. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
Burk, L.R., Essex, M.J., Armstrong, J.M., Goldsmith, H.H., & Boyce, W.T. (2011). Child biobehavioral reactivity moderates effects of teacher-child relationships on the development of adolescent mental health. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.
Ellis, B.J., Shirtcliff, E.A., Boyce, W .T., Deardorff, J., & Essex, M.J. (2010). Stress reactivity moderates the effect of parental supportiveness on puberty. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
Essex, M. (2009). Early exposure to maternal stress moderates the association of childhood cortisol and adolescent internalizing problems. Presented at the Fourteenth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Seattle, Washington.
Essex, M.J., Klein, M.H., Slattery, M.J., Goldsmith, H.H., & Kalin, N.H. (2009). Identification of early risk factors and developmental pathways to stable inhibition and social anxiety disorder by adolescence. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Essex, M.J., Kraemer, H.C., & Luby, J.L. (2009). Identifying children at risk for mental health problems: Exploring how risk factors work together in the emergence of childhood psychopathology. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Hilt, L.M., Armstrong, J.M., & Essex, M.J. (2009). Developmental pathways from early family stress to adolescent internalizing symptoms: The mediating role of emotion-regulation style. Presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, New York, New York.
Hilt, L.M., Armstrong, J.M., & Essex, M.J. (2010). Developmental trajectories to rumination and rejection sensitivity. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Mazzulla, E.C., Oler, J.A., Johnstone, T., Kirkland, J.Z., Shirtcliff, E.A., Armstrong, J.M., Slattery, M.J., Kalin, N.H., Davidson, R.J., & Essex, M.J. (2008). The effect of cortisol on fMRI signal during emotion-regulation in adolescent subjects. Poster presented at Neuroscience 2008, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Oler, J.A., Birn, R.M., Shelton, S.E., Patriat, R., Fox, A.S., Adluru, N., Alexander, A.L., Burghy, C.A., Stodola, D., Essex, M.J., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2011). Extending the extended amygdala to primate neuroimaging with resting fMRI. Poster presented at Neuroscience of Emotion and Emotion-Related Disorders, the Inaugural Conference of the Rothman Research Institute and the Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research Unit (Baycrest, University of Toronto), Toronto, Ontario.
Shirtcliff, E.A., Ellis, B.J., Boyce, W .T., Deardorff, J., Essex, M.J. (2010). Nonlinear longitudinal trajectories of pubertal maturation in early adolescents. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Andy Alexander
Adluru N., Zhang H., Fox A.S., Shelton S.E., Ennis C.M., Bartosic A.M., Oler J.A., Tromp D.P., Zakszewski E., Gee J.C., Kalin N.H., & Alexander, A.L. (In press). A diffusion tensor brain template for Rhesus Macaques. Neuroimage 2011 Jul 26 [epub ahead of print]. PMID: 21803162.
Anderson, J.S., Lange, N., Froehlich, A., DuBray, M.B., Druzgal, T.J., Froimowitz, M.P., Alexander, A.L., Bigler, E.D., Lainhart, J.E. (2011). Decreased interhemispheric functional connectivity in autism. Cerebral Cortex 21(5):1134-46. PMCID: PMC3077433
Anderson, J.S., Lange, N., Froehlich, A., DuBray, M.B., Druzgal, T.J., Froimowitz, M.P., Alexander, A.L., Bigler, E.D., & Lainhart, J.E. (2010). Decreased left posterior insular activity during auditory language in autism. American Journal of Neuroradiology 31(1):131-9. PMCID: PMC2807479.
Bendlin, B.B., Canu, E., Willette, A., Kastman, E.K., McLaren, D.G., Kosmatka, K.J., Xu, G., Field, A.S., Colman, R.J., Coe, C.L., Weindruch, R.H., Alexander, A.L., & Johnson, S.C. (2010). Effects of aging and calorie restriction on white matter in rhesus macaques. Neurobiology of Aging June 10. PMCID: PMC2939965.
Christian, B.T., Vandehey, N.T., Fox, A.S., Murali, D., Oakes, T.R., Converse, A.K., Nickles, R.J., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2009). The distribution of D2/D3 receptor binding in the adolescent rhesus monkey using small animal PET imaging. Neuroimage 44(4):1334-44. PMCID: PMC2649779.
Christian, B.T., Fox, A.S., Oler, J.A., Vandehey, N.T., Murali, D., Rogers, J., Oakes, T.R., Shelton, S.E., Davidson, R.J., Kalin, N.H. (2009). Serotonin transporter binding and genotype in the nonhuman primate brain using [C-11]DASB PET. Neuroimage 47(4):1230-6. PMCID: PMC2798593.
Chung, M.K., Singh, V., Kim, P.T., Dalton, K.M., & Davidson, R.J. (2009). Topological characterization of signal in brain images using min-max diagrams. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 12(Pt 2):158-66. PMID: 20426108
Chung, M.K., Adluru, N., Lee, J.E., Lazar, M., Lainhart, J.E., & Alexander, A.L. (2010). Cosine series representation of 3D curves and its application to white matter fiber bundles in diffusion tensor imaging. Statistics and Its Interface 3:69-80.
Chung, M.K., Worsley, K.J., Nacewicz, B.M., Dalton, K.M., & Davidson, R.J. (2010). General multivariate linear modeling of surface shapes using SurfStat. Neuroimage 53(2):491-505. PMCID: PMC3056984.
Collins, M.D., Singh, V., & Alexander, A.L. (2011). Network Connectivity via Inference over Curvature-regularizing Line Graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6492:65-78. PMCID: PMC3064269.
Fletcher, P.T., Whitaker, R.T., Tao, R., DuBray, M.B., Froehlich, A., Ravichandran, C., Alexander, A.L., Bigler, E.D., Lange, N., & Lainhart, J.E. (2010). Microstructural connectivity of the arcuate fasciculus in adolescents with high-functioning autism. Neuroimage 51(3):1117-25. PMCID: PMC2966943, NIHMSID: NIHMS237930
Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Oakes, T.R., Converse, A.K., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin NH. (2010). Orbitofrontal cortex lesions alter anxiety-related activity in the primate bed nucleus of stria terminalis. Journal of Neuroscience 30(20):7023-7. PMCID: PMC2915894.
Hanson, J.L., Chung, M.K., Avants, B.B., Shirtcliff, E.A., Gee, J.C., Davidson, R.J., & Pollak, S.D. (2010). Early stress is associated with alterations in the orbitofrontal cortex: a tensor-based morphometry investigation of brain structure and behavioral risk. Journal of Neuroscience 30(22):7466-72. PMCID: PMC2893146.
Kelley, D.J., Oakes, T.R., Greischar, L.L., Chung, M.K., Ollinger, J.M., Alexander, A.L., Shelton, S.E., Kalin, K.H., & Davidson, R.J. (2008). Automatic physiological waveform processing for fMRI noise correction and analysis. PLoS ONE 3(3):e1751. PMCID: PMC2268243
Lange, N., Lee, J.E., Adluru, N., Froehlich, A., DuBray, M.B., Fletcher, P.T., Bigler, E.D., Alexander, A.L., & Lainhart, J.E. (2010). Atypical diffusion tensor hemispheric asymmetry: a potential DTI biomarker for autism. Autism Research 3(6):350-8. PMID: 21182212
Lee J. E., Chung M. K., Lazar M., DuBray M. B., Kim J., Bigler E. D., Lainhart J. E., & Alexander A. L. (2009). A study of diffusion tensor imaging by tissue-specific, smoothing compensated voxel-based analysis. Neuroimage 79(11):1007-18. PMCID: PMC2657194.
Motwani, K., Adluru, N., Hinrichsts, C., Alexander, A., & Singh, V. (2010). Epitome driven 3-D Diffusion Tensor image segmentation: on extracting specific structures. Advanced Neural Information Processing Systems 23:1696-1704. PMCID: PMC3065191.
Schuyler, B., Ollinger, J.M., Oakes, T.R., Johnstone, T., & Davidson, R.J. (2010). Dynamic Causal Modeling applied to fMRI data shows high reliability. Neuroimage 49(1):603-11. PMCID: PMC2867050.
Singh, V., Mukherjee, L., & Chung, M.K. (2008). Cortical surface thickness as a classifier: boosting for autism classification. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention 11(Pt 1):999-1007. PMID: 18979843.
Vandehey, N.T., Moirano, J.M., Converse, A.K., Holden, J.E., Mukherjee, J., Murali, D., Nickles, R.J., Davidson, R.J., Schneider, M.L., & Christian, B.T. (2010). High-affinity dopamine D2/D3 PET radioligands 18F-fallypride and 11C-FLB457: a comparison of kinetics in extrastriatal regions using a multiple-injection protocol. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism 30(5):994-1007. PMCID: PMC2897717.
Whalen, P.J., Johnstone, T., Somerville, L.H., Nitschke, J.B., Polis, S., Alexander, A.L., Davidson, R.J., & Kalin, N.H. (2008). A functional magnetic resonance imaging predictor of treatment response to venlafaxine in generalized anxiety disorder. Biological Psychiatry 63(9):858-63. PMCID: PMC2654286.
Willette, A.A., Bendlin, B.B., McLaren, D.G., Canu, E., Kastman, E.K., Kosmatka, K.J., Xu, G., Field, A.S., Alexander, A.L., Colman, R.J., Weindruch, R.H., Coe, C.L., & Johnson, S.C. (2010). Age-related changes in neural volume and microstructure associated with interleukin-6 are ameliorated by a calorie-restricted diet in old rhesus monkeys. Neuroimage 51(3):987-94. PMCID: PMC2877377.
Wu, Y.C., Field, A.S., Whalen, P.J., & Alexander, A.L. (2011). Age and gender related changes in the normal human brain using hybrid diffusion imaging. Neuroimage 54(3):1840-53. PMID: 20932911.
Wooten, D.W., Moraino, J.D., Hillmer, A.T., Engle, J.W., Dejesus, O.J., Murali, D., Barnhart, T.E., Nickles, R.J., Davidson, R.J., Schneider, M.L., Mukherjee, J., & Christian, B.T. (2010). In vivo kinetics of [F-18]MEFWAY: A comparison with [C-11]WAY100635 and [F-18]MPPF in the nonhuman primate. Synapse. PMID: 20973036.
Elizabeth Zakszewski, Jeff Moirano, Andrew S. Fox, Nagesh Adluru, Alexander K. Converse, Steve E. Shelton, Ned H. Kalin, Andrew L. Alexander. 2011. Comparison of probabilistic diffusion tensor tractography and histological tracer studies in the rhesus macaque. 14th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI.
Adluru, N., Hinrichs, C., Chung, M.K., Lee, J.E., Singh, V., Bigler, E.D., Lange, N., Lainhart, J.E., & Alexander, A.L. Classification in DTI using shapes of white matter tracts. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009:2719-22. PMID: 19964040
Adluru, N., Zhang, H., Fox, A.S., Shelton, S.E., Ennis, C.M., Bartosic, A.M., Oler, J.A., Zakszewski. E., Kalin, N.H., & Alexander, A.L. A diffusion tensor brain template for Rhesus macaques. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2011. Montreal, Canada. PMID: 21803162
Bartosic, A., Ennis, C., Adluru, N., Shelton, S., Kalin, N., & Alexander, A. 2010. Evaluation of automatic skull-stripping algorithms for macaque brain DTI studies. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. 468
Chung, M.K., Adluru, N., Lee, J.E., Lazar, M., Lainhart, J.E., & Alexander, A.L. Efficient parametric encoding scheme for white matter fiber bundles. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009;2009:6644-7. PMID: 19963927
Chung, M. K., Adluru, N., Dalton, K. M., Alexander, A. L., & Davidson, R. J. (2010). Characterization of Structural Connectivity in Autism using Graph Networks with DTI. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Chung, M. K., Hanson, J. L., Avants, B., Gee, J., Davidson, R. J., & Pollak, S. (2010). Structural Connectivity Mapping via the Tensor-Based Morphometry. 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Han, D., Singh, V., Lee, J.E., Zakszewski, E., Adluru, N., Oakes, T.R., & Alexander, A. An experimental evaluation of diffusion tensor image segmentation using graph-cuts.
H. Hill Goldsmith
Burk, L. R., Armstrong, J. M., Goldsmith, H. H., Klein, M. H., Strauman, T. J., Costanzo, P., & Essex, M. J. (in press). Sex, temperament, and family context: How the interaction of early factors differentially predict adolescent alcohol use and are mediated by proximal adolescent factors. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. PMCID: PMC Journal – In Process
Burk, R. L., Park, J-H., Armstrong, J. M., Klein, M. H., Goldsmith, H. H., Zahn-Waxler, C., & Essex, M. J. (2008). Identification of early child and family risk factors for aggressive victim status in first grade. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 513-526.PMID: 18092191.
Dyson, M. W., Olino, T. M., Durbin, C. E., Goldsmith, H. H., & Klein, D. N. (2011). The structure of temperament in preschoolers: A two-stage factor analytic approach. Revision invited.
Essex, M. J., Armstrong, J. M., Burk, L. R., Goldsmith, H. H., & Boyce, W. T. (2011). Biological sensitivity to context moderates the effects of the early teacher-child relationship on the development of mental health by adolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 23, 149-161. PMID: 21262045. NIHMSID: NIHMS241106.
Essex, M. J., Klein, M. H., Slattery, M. J., Goldsmith, H. H., & Kalin, N. H. (2010). Early risk factors and developmental pathways to chronic high inhibition and social anxiety disorder in adolescence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167, 40-46. PMID: 19917594. PMCID: PMC2806488.
Gagne, J. R., Van Hulle, C. A., Aksan, N., Essex, M. J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (in press). Deriving childhood temperament measures from emotion-eliciting behavioral episodes: Scale construction and initial validation. Psychological Assessment. PMID: 21480723, NIHMSID: NIHMS251016
Gagne, J. R., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of anger and inhibitory control in twins from 12-36 months of age. Developmental Science, 14, 112-124. PMID: 21159093. NIHMSID: NIHMS184309.
Gagne, J. R., Vendlinski, M. K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). The genetics of childhood temperament. In Y-K Kim (Ed.). Handbook of Behavioral Genetics. New York: Springer.
Goldsmith, H. H., & Gagne, J. R. (in press). Behavioral assessment of temperament. In M. Zentner & R. Shiner (Eds.). Handbook of temperament. New York: Guilford.
Goldsmith, H. H., Pollak, S. D., & Davidson. R. J. (2008). Developmental neuroscience perspectives on emotion regulation. Child Development Perspectives, 2, 132-140. PMID: 19917594. PMCID: PMC2806488
Goldsmith, H. H., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2008). Genetic influences on individual differences in approach and avoidance. In A. J. Elliot (Ed.), Handbook of Approach and Avoidance Motivation (pp. 187-202). New York: Psychology Press.
Goldsmith, H. H. (2008). Behavior genetics. In M. M. Haith & J. B. Benson (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development (vol 1) (pp.165-172). Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier. (also section editor of this volume). Published simultaneously at ScienceDirect.
Javaras, K. N., Goldsmith, H. H., & Laird, N. M. (2011). Estimating the effect of a semicontinuous predictor measured by two informants on a continuous outcome: A comparison of methods.Epidemiology, 22, 390-399. PMID: 21403520. NIHMSID: NIHMS276842
Keuler, M. M., Schmidt, N. L., Van Hulle, C. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2011). Sensory over-responsivity: Prenatal risk factors and temperamental contributions. Accepted pending revisions. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. PMID: 21743351
Lemery-Chalfant, K. S., Turner, P. A., O'Brien, T. C., Van Hulle, C., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2011). Mother and father depression and child psychopathology: Moderation by child effortful control. Accepted pending revisions. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Lemery-Chalfant, K., Doelger, L., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2011). Difficult and unadaptable temperament in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers: Genetic analyses and predicting symptoms of psychopathology. Accepted pending revisions. Child Development.
Lemery-Chalfant, K., Doelger, L., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2008). Genetic relations between effortful and attentional control and symptoms of psychopathology in middle childhood. Infant and Child Development, 17, 365-385. PMCID: accepted before the deadline; not submitted.
Light, S. N., Coan, J. A., Zahn-Waxler, C., Frye, C., Goldsmith, H. H., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Empathy is associated with dynamic change in prefrontal brain electrical activity during positive emotion in children. Child Development, 80, 1210-1231. PMID: 19630903. PMCID: PMC2717040
Light, S. N., Goldsmith, H. H., Coan, J. A., Frye, C., & Davidson, R. J. (2009). Dynamic variation in pleasure in children predicts nonlinear change in lateral frontal brain electrical activity. Developmental Psychology, 45, 525-533. PMID: 19271836. PMCID: PMC2758087
Locke, R. L., Davidson, R. J., Kalin, N. H., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). Children’s context inappropriate anger and salivary cortisol. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1284-1297. PMID: 19702392. PMCID: PMC2776065
Luby, J., Essex, M., Armstrong, J., Klein, M., Zahn-Waxler, C., Sullivan, J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). Gender differences in the emotional reactivity of depressed and at risk preschoolers: Implications for gender specific manifestations of preschool depression. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 38, 525-537. PMID: 20183639. PMCID: PMC2829727
Ruf, H. T., Schmidt, N. L., Lemery-Chalfant, K. & Goldsmith, H. H. (2008). Components of childhood impulsivity and inattention: Child, family, and genetic correlates. European Journal of Developmental Science, 2, 52-76. PMCID: accepted before the deadline; not submitted.
Van Hulle, C. A., Schmidt, N. L., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2011). Is sensory over-responsivity distinguishable from childhood behavior problems? A phenotypic and genetic analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Under editorial review. PMID: 21797864
Vendlinski, M. K., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Essex, M. J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Genetic risk by experience interaction for childhood internalizing problems: Converging evidence across multiple methods. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. PMID: 21198591 (epub ahead of print, Dec 30). NIHMSID: NIHMS240074.
Volbrecht, M., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Early temperamental and family predictors of shyness and anxiety. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1192-1205. PMID: 20822232. PMC Journal – In Process.
Wagner, A. I., Schmidt, N. L., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Leavitt, L. A., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). The limited effects of obstetrical and neonatal complications on conduct and ADHD symptoms in middle childhood. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 30, 217-225. PMID: 19433988. PMCID: accepted before the deadline; not submitted.
Conference Presentations and Published Abstracts
Chow, O., Vendlinski, M. K.*, Schmidt, N. L., Van Hulle, C. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Effortful control predicts twin relationship quality from middle childhood to adolescence. Poster presented at the International Congress on Twin Studies Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Chow, O. K., Schmidt, N., Lemery-Chalfant, K. & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, May). Sibling extraversion similarity predicts sibling relationship quality across childhood and adolescence. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Cleary, T. L., Lemery-Chalfant, K., O’Brien, T. C., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). FKBP5 and BDNF synergistically moderate the impact of socio-economic status on childhood depression. Presented at World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, Athens, Greece.
Dribin, A. E., Buss, K. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Davidson, R. J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). Behavioral reactivity, cardiovascular reactivity, and behavior problem symptoms in middle childhood. Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Gagne, J. R., Vendlinski, M. K., Lemery-Chalfant, K. & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Parent and laboratory-assessed inhibitory control and related behavior problems at 7-8 years of age. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 257-258.
Gagne, J. R., Williams, W. C., Volbrecht, M. M. & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). The Genetics of Emotional Ontogeny Project: Mother ratings of temperament at 6, 12 and 36 months. Behavior Genetics, 40, 792-793.
Gagne, J. R., Vendlinski, M. K., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. (2010). Parent and laboratory-assessed inhibitory control and related behavior problems at 7-8 years of age. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 257-258.
Gagne, J. R., Vendlinski, M. K., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). A twin study of inhibitory control in toddlerhood and related behavior problems at 7-8 years of age. Behavior Genetics, 39.
Gagne, J. R., Buss, K. A., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). Associations among emotional reactivity, parental stress and cortisol reactivity in infancy. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Gagne, J. R., Volbrecht, M. M., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). A behavior genetic investigation of parent- and laboratory-assessed fear from infancy to early childhood. Paper presented at the Behavior Genetics Association, Minneapolis, MN. Behavior Genetics, 39.
Heath, P., Vendlinski, M. K., Schmidt, N. L., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Adolescent twin relationships: Evidence for non-heritable variation in adolescent twin relationships. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 13, 263.
Hudson, M., Vendlinski, M. K.*, & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010, April). Gender differences in relational aggression: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin.
Hur, Y., Goldsmith, H., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2008). Comparing genetic variations in height and weight between Caucasians and East Asians. Behavior Genetics (2008) volume 38.
Keuler, M., Schmidt, N. L., Van Hulle, C. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010, June). Sensory Over-Responsivity: Temperament Contributions and Prenatal Implications. Behavior Genetics. (abstract).
Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2011). Anxiety and depression in middle childhood: COMT genotype, gender, and dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. Submitted to Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Lemery-Chalfant, K., O’Brien, T. C., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Children’s effortful control and the mu-opioid receptor gene: Gene-environment interactions and moderated mediation. Presented at World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, Athens, Greece.
Marceau, K., Heath, P. J., Van Hulle C. A., & Goldsmith, H. (2008, May). Internalizing versus externalizing problems in the link between parental and youth psychopathology, Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL.
O’Brien, T. C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). Neuropeptide Y moderates the impact of childhood stress on behavior problems. Behavior Genetics, 40, 808.
O'Brien, T. C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009). A monozygotic twin difference score approach to parenting as a nonshared environmental influence on behavior problem symptoms. Behavior Genetics, 39.
O'Brien, T. C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Van Hulle, C., Sulik, M. J., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). Twin and non-twin sibling influences on observed empathy. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
O'Brien, T. C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). The roles of genes and parenting on behavior problems and competencies across early childhood. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
O'Brien, T. C., Swanson, J., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2008). Internalizing, externalizing, and ADHD in middle childhood: The role of mothering and fathering in toddlerhood. Abstract published in Behavior Genetics, 38.
Pai, K. A., Bild, N. C., Volbrecht, M. M., Gagne, J. R., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, May). Examining shyness at ages 6, 12, and 36 months using a longitudinal twin sample. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Van Hulle, C. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). Temperament, behavior problems and competency in toddlerhood: A shared genetic etiology? Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Van Hulle, C., Rhee, S., Knapfo, A., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Goldsmith, H. H., & Zahn-Waxler, C. (2008). Cognitive, affective and behavioral components of empathy in middle childhood: A comparison of two twin samples. Behavior Genetics (2008) volume 38.
Vendlinski, M. K., Javaras, K. N., Van Hulle, C. A., Schmidt, N. L., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). A latent class analysis of childhood mental health symptoms. Behavior Genetics. 40, 815-816.
Vendlinski, M. K.,Javaras, K. N., Schmidt, N. L., Lemery-Chalfant, K., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). Identifying classes of mental health problems in middle childhood: A multiple informant approach. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Vendlinski, M. K., Bagley, J. L., Schmidt, N. L., Van Hulle, C. A., Lemery-Chalfant, K. & Goldsmith, H. H. (2008). Does the heritability of child externalizing or internalizing differ based on rural vs. urban residence? Behavior Genetics, 38.
Volbrecht, M. M., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2009, April). The association of temperament and family factors with the development of internalizing symptoms. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO
Weiskotten, S. M.** & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010, April). Stability and Heritability of Social Inhibition in Childhood and Adolescence. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin.
Yee, C., Lemery-Chalfant, K., O’Brien, T. C., & Goldsmith, H. H. (2010). NPY buffers the associations between CRHR1 and FKBP5 and childhood depression symptoms. Presented at World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, Athens, Greece.